Formulated for the health and well-being of adult dogs, LEGENDS® Wholesome dry food for adult dogs with 26% protein & 14% fat is made of high-quality natural ingredients and enhanced with vitamins and minerals to form a complete dry food that maximizes the nutritional benefits for your pet. It contains the ingredients you’ll love feeding as much as they’ll love eating.
LEGENDS® Wholesome dry food doesn’t include any artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or genetically modified ingredients.
Features and Benefits
LEGENDS® Wholesome engineered formula for adult dogs includes Chicken as our #1 ingredient (32% Chicken), omega 3 & 6, beet pulp and fortified with vitamins and minerals that:
- Helps the development strong & toned Muscles (high % of chicken protein)
- Promotes the shine of the hair and keep the skin healthy (zinc & biotin)
- Ensures optimum digestibility & support the immune system (beet pulp)
- Supports proper development & brain function (Omega 3 & 6)
- Support the heart muscle and visual function (vitamin A)
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