do dogs get menopause

Do dogs get menopause? Your female dog will have a heat cycle unless she has had surgery to spay.  But what, exactly, does that mean?

The reproductive cycle of a female dog cannot be briefly explained. This information will assist you in understanding menopause in dogs and dog heat cycles and the associated changes.

Do dogs get menopause?

Do dogs go through menopause? Menopause in humans refers to the cessation of monthly menstrual bleeding and a significant decrease in the likelihood of childbearing. You may reasonably assume that since female dogs undergo regular menstruation and go "into heat" to get pregnant, they will ultimately experience menopause as well. This is untrue, though.

Do dogs have menopause? Dogs do not experience menopause in the same way that humans do. Older, unspayed dogs will not abruptly stop having periods; instead, they will experience times of being in heat—when they can get pregnant—once or twice a year for the rest of their lives.

It's critical to comprehend the health effects of a heat cycle and what occurs if you decide to spay or not spay your dog because dogs never stop going into heat.

What Is Menopause in People?

Do Dogs Get Menopause

When you miss a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months, you enter the menopause. Perimenopause is the term for the period just before menopause. Many women or those who were designated female at birth (AFAB) begin the menopausal transition around this time. They could experience symptoms like hot flashes or see abnormalities in their menstrual periods.

What Is a Heat Cycle in a Dog?

Do female dogs go through menopause? An intact female dog reaches a point when she is prepared to reproduce. We call this period "heat." There are specific behavioural and physical indicators of the heat stage, also known as estrus or season. 

Numerous oestrous characteristics, including frequency, duration, and intensity, are contingent upon the age and breed of your dog. Your dog may be experiencing symptoms unique to them. 

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What Indices Exist?

When your dog is in heat, she might need to urinate more, so keep a leash close to reach. Her vulva may also be noticeable to you as being huge, red, swollen, and bleeding or discharged with a blood stain. 

Only about half of the cycle, or seven to ten days, will your dog bleed.  

Larger dogs tend to bleed more than smaller dogs, however this varies throughout canines. Certain dogs bleed little at all. You probably won't notice a lot of blood stains around the home if your dog takes pleasure in how they look and gives themselves frequent grooming

Your dog's behavior will also alter. She might:

  • Excessively socialize with other canines.
  • Look for male dogs.
  • Elevate or descend.
  • She should wag her tail sideways.
  • Twitch or feel uneasy.

Your dog will bleed during heat, but she won't feel discomfort. On the other hand, your dog may get agitated and uncomfortable while in heat. See your veterinarian if she appears to be in discomfort as a result of her symptoms and use Pet Cool Mat

What Does Spaying a Dog Do?

Do Dogs Get Menopause

Surgically removing all or part of a female dog's reproductive organs is known as spaying, or “fixing” the dog. Ovariectomy and ovariohysterectomy are the two forms of sterilization operations performed on dogs. An ovariectomy involves the removal of just the ovaries. 

The ovaries and uterus are removed during an ovariohysterectomy, sometimes referred to as a spay. Both operations stop a female dog from becoming fertile and going into heat. An ovariohysterectomy is generally carried out in the United States and Canada.

What happens during a dog's spay procedure?

A thorough anesthesia is necessary for a spay procedure. A breathing tube will be used throughout the procedure to assist your dog's lungs get oxygen once anesthesia has been administered. 

The reproductive organs of your dog will then be seen through an incision made by your veterinarian long enough for them to find. Through this incision, your veterinarian will remove the uterus and ovaries or just the ovaries, if the procedure is called an ovariectomy or ovariohysterectomy, and stitch your dog back up. 

After the process is over, your dog won't be able to breed again, and it cannot be reversed.

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Do dogs go through menopause after being spayed?

Do dogs get menopause? Because their ovaries have been removed and they no longer contain sex hormones, spayed dogs are considered to be at the menopausal stage of life. A spayed dog is said to be "in menopause" by human standards due to the absence of menstrual periods.

Concerns for Unspayed Female Dogs

Females who are intact or have never been spayed are more likely to experience one or more of the following problems, which are very sick dogs, uncomfortable, and stressful for them. These issues can arise at any age, but regrettably, as people age, their likelihood of experiencing these issues increases. While certain illnesses are more serious than others, they can all happen at any time.

This is not a comprehensive list, so you should talk to your veterinarian for specific guidance and care if you have any questions or concerns regarding your dog.

  • Unintentional Pregnancies

Stress stems from an undesired pregnancy for both your dog and you as their owner.  

A pregnant dog needs a lot of time, care, and money to raise her puppies.  The puppies' rehoming into suitable families will take time and may present difficulties. There will also be additional veterinary expenses to think about.

Pregnancies can be avoided by keeping a female dog in her entirety away from males who are still whole throughout her heat cycles. However, getting your dog spayed at the right time for her breed is a considerably safer way to prevent uncontrolled breeding, unexpected pregnancies, and unwanted puppies if you don't plan to breed them.

  • Pyometra

A uterine (womb) infection is known as pyometra.  This sickness can affect any unspayed female, however, it seems to affect older bitches most frequently.

This infection is extremely painful and severe, making your dog very ill.  If veterinary care and surgery are not given, it frequently has deadly consequences.  When a pyometra occurs, emergent surgery is typically necessary after receiving intravenous fluids and treatment. 

  • Breast Cancers

Females who have never been spayed are more likely to acquire benign or possibly malignant breast tumors. The chance of developing breast cancer is considerably decreased by spaying them before their first heat.  

Although not as much, spaying them before their first or second heat cycle lowers the danger.  Your dog has the same chance of developing mammary cancers if you spay her after her second heat cycle as she does if she were left intact.

  • Modifications in Behavior

Some unspayed females display behavioral changes, including restlessness, wandering, anxiety, agitation, moodiness, and violence, throughout their heat cycles. It may cause tension for the two of you. This problem is resolved by spaying them, which improves everyone's quality of life and calmness.

  • Cycles of Heat

If you neuter your dog when they're still a puppy, you can prevent the hassle of heat cycles. It may be unpleasant and untidy when your dog is in season. She will bleed for two to three weeks, during which time she could draw unwelcome attention from other canines.  

Keeping them on a leash to stop them from running off or in a secure yard to curb their roaming inclinations may require you to modify your walking or workout routine to avoid male interaction.

  • Higher Chance of Certain Malignancies and Illnesses

Most breeds' unpatched females are more susceptible to various illnesses and issues relating to reproduction. Examples include breast, ovarian, and uterine malignancies in addition to ovarian cysts and uterine infections.  

It's important to talk to your veterinarian about the ideal time to spay your dog because early spaying has also been related to other malignancies and joint problems.

  • Control of Population

Unspayed females can add to the problem of overpopulation by increasing the number of stray dogs and shelter dogs in need of homes, adding more strain to an already overburdened system and society.

Other Reasons a Dog May Bleed

The cause of your dog's bleeding will determine why it is happening. As an illustration:


One can sustain an injury anywhere:

  • In the unlikely event that your dog has an eye injury, blood will often come from the tissues and skin around the injured area rather than the actual eye.
  • If your dog has bleeding from his ears, it's generally the consequence of an injury from shaking, scratching, or a battle with another animal.
  • If your dog is bleeding from the lips, it might be from anything sticking in his mouth, such as a bones or a stick, or it could be from something cutting his cheek.
  • If your dog has blood coming from his paw, it's usually from a wound, such as a cut.
  • Your dog may have puncture wounds in his back if you observe blood from his anus.


Numerous illnesses have the potential to cause bleeding. For example, bleeding in the eyes might occur from an eye condition called conjunctivitis. Bleeding may also come from a third eyelid that is ripped or injured. In your dog, swollen, red, and bleeding gums are indicators of gum disease, such as gingivitis.

Unusual Growth:

Warts, polyps, and sebaceous adenomas are examples of ear growths that can cause bleeding and form on the ear flap or within your dog's ear.

Your dog may also develop growths in his mouth. Some of these growths are soft masses that might be benign tumors or cysts.

Malignant growths such as sarcomas or melanomas can also develop.

Your dog may get tumors around his anus, and when he rubs or scratches them, the tumors may burst.


Ticks, fleas, and ear mites are examples of parasites. Your dog may become extremely itchy by their presence and may scratch the area nonstop. Bleeding may result from this so rescue your dog with Dog Flea & Tick Treatments.

Deficit in Nutrition:

Lesions on the tips of your dog's ears, hair loss, and cracking that may cause bleeding are all signs of a nutritional deficit.

Abscess in the anal sac:

An abscess may occur if the anal sac in your dog becomes infected and inflammatory. 

Afterward, this may burst through the skin, leaving an exposed wound that will eventually drain.

Infection of the Uterus:

It primarily affects female canines who are middle-aged and not spayed. You'll notice crimson or pus-filled vaginal discharge. Additional signs and symptoms include thirst, frequent urination, nausea, fever, and weakness.


In conclusion, female dogs do not experience menopause; but, as they age, the time between one season and the next may progressively lengthen. Just be aware that they can conceive and get pregnant at any time throughout their life, unlike humans. Neutering is strongly advised.