rare facts about cats

How many rare facts about cats do you know? Cats are wonderful, cute, and loveable creatures, but they are always full of surprises and definitely, there are rare facts you did not know before. So today we will explore some rare facts about cats, their anatomy and nature, how they communicate, and Their quirky behaviors, you need to know!

Let’s start.

Rare facts about cats:

Cats can be mysterious creatures, but their rare and fascinating behaviors give us a glimpse into their unique personalities. For example, the way they twitch their tails or purr can reveal a lot about their emotional state.

We will reveal some more of rare facts about cats…

Facts About Cat Anatomy & Physiology 

Here are amazing facts about cats’ anatomy and physiology:

  • Cats have 230 bones: while humans only have 206. This is because cats have a flexible spine that allows them to twist and turn easily. And their long tail helps them balance and jump.
  • Cats have an incredible smell sense: Cats have up to 200 million scent receptors in their nose which allows them to track prey and even detect scents that humans cannot smell.
  • Cats can see in the dark six times better than humans. This is because their eyes have a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum that helps them to see in low-light conditions.

If we're talking about rare facts about cats, perhaps you'd like to know some rare ones about cats' health and wellness. Let’s see… 

Also check: Can Cats Eat Vanilla Yogurt

Facts About Cat Health & Wellness 

In health, the amazing rare fact about cats is that they’re like humans! 

Here are three facts about cats' health that are similar to humans' health:

  • Cats can get acne: Feline acne is a common skin condition that affects cats, which happens because of the oils and bacteria in their hair.
  • Cats can get diabetes: When the cat's body is unable to produce or properly use insulin, a cat can get diabetes and the symptoms are: increased thirst and urination, weight loss, and changes in appetite or behavior.2
  • Cats can get sunburned: Although cats have much hair covering their bodies, they still get sunburned on their ears, nose, and belly. just like humans.

So, if cats’ health is similar to human health, what about communication skills?

Facts About Cat Communication Cues

Understanding cat communication cues is crucial for building a strong bond with your cat. And here’re some rare facts about cats' communication cues:

  • Cats can’t understand every word, but they can be trained to associate specific words with actions or actions 
  • Cats are highly skilled at reading body language, using a combination of visual cues such as the position of ears, tail, and body posture, as well as scent and vocalizations.
  • When a cat needs to communicate, their dilated pupils may indicate fear or excitement, and their eyes convey different messages.

When pet owner wonders about rare facts about cats, they usually refer to quirky behaviors. So let’s go through some of them.

Read more: Should I Clip My Cat's Claws?

Facts About Quirky Cat Behaviors and Why They Happen

Cats are known for their quirky behaviors, which will not always be obvious to people around them.

If you thought that they randomly behave, here are amazing facts about cats' behaviors that will change your mind:

  • Cats love boxes: Cats are naturally curious creatures and they love to explore small, enclosed spaces. Boxes provide the perfect opportunity for cats to explore and hide.
  • Cats can jump up to six times higher: Cats have a strong spine that allows them to twist and turn in mid-air.
  • Cats can purr between 20 to 150-hertz frequency: Some research found that purring at this frequency may help cats to heal from injuries and illnesses, because the vibrations produced may stimulate bone growth and tissue repair.
  • The oldest known cat was 38 years old: This cat, named Creme Puff, lived in Austin, Texas, and she died in 2005.

Explore: Is My Cat Medium or Long Hair

But why do they happen?

These behaviors happen for different reasons, for example:

  1. Cats knead when they are nursed by their mother. They may also knead as a way to show affection. 
  2. Cats present their tails as a sign of trust and to mark their territory. They may jump on kitchen counters because they're curious or attracted to food smells. 
  3. Cats may stare at walls or other objects because they're curious or bored. 
  4. Running around the house is usually a sign that cats are feeling playful or energetic. Hiding in boxes and small spaces makes cats feel safe and secure.

Ultimately, the reason why a cat exhibits quirky behavior can vary depending on the individual cat and the situation.

Let’s explore some amazing facts about cats that you can tell your kids.

Fun cat facts for kids

Rare Facts About Cats

Bringing a new cat into a home with curious kids can be an exciting adventure filled with endless opportunities for play, discovery, and learning.

Here are fun cat facts you can use: 

  • Cats can see in very low light levels because they have powerful night vision. They also have an amazing sense of smell.
  • A cat's paw print is a visible track.
  • Most cats can't taste sweetness.
  • The oldest cat on record lived to be 38 years old! (You should call this one a bedtime story)
  • Cats have very flexible bodies and teeth for hunting small animals.
  • A male cat is called a tom, while a female cat is called a queen or Molly. (That’s a good one though!)


When talking about rare facts about cats, the list can not be ended! 

Whether you’re a cat owner or a lover who likes to play with cats on the street, keep an eye out for their surprising behavior.


  • Why are cats so special? 

Cats are considered so special because of different reasons such as their intelligence, Cats are highly adaptable animals, and cats provide emotional support and can help alleviate stress and anxiety.

  • What are 3 interesting facts about cats?

Here’re 3 interesting facts about cats:

  1. Cats have flexible bodies and can rotate their ears 180 degrees.
  2. Their paws allow them to detect vibrations and move safely in the dark.
  3. Cats spend up to 50% of their waking hours grooming themselves.