cat body language

How do you really communicate with your cat? Communicating and sharing emotions with your cat requires a deep understanding cat body language to humans. The insights you'll gain in this blog will change the way you communicate to your pet!

Let’s start with.. 

What Is Cat Body Language? 

Cats use body movements and facial expressions to let you and other cats know what's on their mind. When a cat is relaxed and contented, it turns its ears forward, closes its eyes halfway, and purrs and when a cat is alert, its eyes open completely, and its whiskers stand out. 

A happy cat usually has a relaxed face and whiskers, and forward-facing ears with slightly slit pupils. An angry cat has flat ears, slit eyes, and backward-facing whiskers.

 And here in detail…

How to understand cat body language to humans?

How to understand cat body language to humans

Understanding cat body language to humans can be challenging, but it is essential to communicating effectively with your pet. 

By paying attention to their postures, movements, and vocalizations, we have valuable signs of the common moods and feelings you need to know about.

  • Signs your cat is happy and relaxed

Most pet owners always trying to make their cat friend happy and relaxed, and the common signs you can know this is when your cat is purring and they may be lying down or sitting with their legs extended. 

Also, Their ears will be pointed forward and their eyes will be half-closed.

  • Signs your cat is anxious or stressed 

Most signs of cat body language to humans will be important to understand when your cat is anxious or stressed. Because they show anxiety or stress through different positions and movements of their body parts. 

Signs of anxiety or stress in cats include hiding, excessive grooming, loss of appetite, aggression, excessive meowing or vocalization, urinating outside the litter box, and changes in sleeping patterns.

So if you notice any of these signs in your cat, it is advised to visit your vet to check if there are any medical problems.

  • Signs your cat is feeling very threatened

Cats can show signs of feeling very threatened through different positions and movements of their body parts. 

Understanding cat body language to humans when they feel threatened includes hissing, growling, arching their back, flattening their ears against their head, dilated pupils, and puffing up their fur. Spraying is a way for cats to mark their territory but also, a sign that they are feeling very threatened and are trying to deter the threat.

The most loved sign that pet owners are looking forward is.. 

  • Signs your cat wants to play

If a cat wants to play, it’ll crouch down with its front legs extended, wagging its tail, chirping or trilling, and pouncing on toys or other objects. And of course, nudging you with their head is the most common sign of cat body language to humans.

 After exploring the different signs of cat body language, do you ever ask..

Why Do Cats Use Body Language To Communicate?

It’s obvious that using body language is the only way for cats to communicate, and the scientific reasons here are:

  • When a cat feels pain or discomfort, body language is a very effective way to send signs quickly.
  • Due to the subtle nature of body language, cats can use it to communicate without arousing the attention of other animals or humans.

Like humans, when cats want to express emotions, from happiness to fear to aggression their body language automatically changes, that’s why you need to pay attention to each sign your cat tries to tell you.

Read more Should you give cats milk?

When Should I Pay Attention To My Cat’s Body Language?

How to understand cat body language to humans

Paying attention to your cat's body language will be your way when you want to know what they feel now, what they need, and their health condition.

But generally speaking, there’re situations in which you need to read your cat's body language to ensure that she’s okay with what’s going on. Such as:

  • Interacting with your cat: 

While having a cat in the home definitely will affect your behaviors and will make you change it sometimes.

For example, if you’re not in the mood to play with it and you are forced to do, you will need to observe how this behavior affects her.

  • Introducing your cat to a new person or other pet: 

When you are introducing your cat to a new person or other cats, you need to pay attention to your cat's body language to read any signs of stress or aggression and to take steps to prevent any bad experience.

  • Changing your cat's environment: 

One of the important cat body language to humans to understand is when you’re making changes in your home or your cat’s environment. Your cat's body language may show different signs of stress or anxiety and make the transition as smooth as possible.

  • When you’re concerned about your cat's health: 

Cats are full of surprises and they’re good at hiding their pain, so it’s crucial to pay attention to their body language as it may indicate any serious health issue. As a pet owner, knowing cat body language is an essential skill. With the information you've gathered, it should be easy to do.

 And now, do you need to know funny information about how cats feel, think, and see you?

Let’s explore more..

Do Cats Have Feelings?

Yes, cats have feelings, just like people do. They can feel happy, sad, scared, mad, and loving. While they may seem uninterested sometimes, they still have emotions and can show affection towards their owners. This is one that makes cat body language to humans important to observe.

 What about thinking? Do they able to feel and think?

Do Cats Think We Understand What They Are Telling Us? 

There is no easy answer, as it likely depends on the cat itself and its characteristics. However, there’re two opinions on this:

Cats don't speak the same language as us, so some people believe they don't understand what we say. Nevertheless, they believe cats talk to each other using body movements and sounds.

The second opinion is others think that cats might understand some human words. Studies have shown that cats can recognize their own names and follow simple instructions.

 What have you experienced with your cat? Does she understand you? Share it with us.

And if you’re a street cat lover, just like me, here’s how to know that the cat want to play with you.

How do you know if a cat likes you?

Here are some signs of cat body language to humans that a cat likes the person or not:

  • Purring is a way for cats to show that they're content and relaxed. It's like a cat's saying I'm happy and I love you.
  • Cats rub against you to show that they like you and to leave their smell on you. 
    • Bowing is a gesture of submission and trust, and the cat feels comfortable around you.
    • Head butting is a common sign with bowing and rubbing.
    • Following you around is a sign that your cat wants to be close to you and it's what we all love! 

      The final point many pet owners are excited to know about is..

      How do cats see humans?

      Cats see humans as fellow cats, but bigger and slower by our scent, our voices, and the way we feel to them. 

      They aren’t capable to see small details or clear colors, even though they are capable of seeing in the dark.

       In conclusion, cat body language to humans who have pets can be a daily concern, but step by step, you will master how to communicate with your cat more effectively.


      • Do cats know you by face?

      Yes, cats can know you by face because they have a good memory and can remember people they met before. 

      • Why do cats rub against your legs?

       Cats rub against your legs to show they like you, to leave their scent, and to ask for attention to pet them or play with them.